Professional Resources List By Theme/ Topic


This page explores resources, websites, and books that will support educators. The categories below provided educator resources and also student-friendly resources on environmental education. We then provide specific resources on eco-anxieties and resources focused on hope. The final category offers outdoor education specific resources for children and youth. Most of the resources provide links to external websites, and a few offer some book recommendations for educators. 

Educator Resources on Environmental Education: WEBSITES

Resource Name: Indigenous Climate Monitoring Toolkit


Overview: This Toolkit was developed to support Indigenous Peoples in Canada with planning, implementing, or expanding community-based climate monitoring projects. It provides convenient access to tools, good practices, and examples of projects from across the country as inspiration. The Toolkit supports a range of approaches to monitoring climate and climate impacts including Indigenous Knowledge Systems, science, and co-production of knowledge using many ways of knowing.


Resource Name: Climate Generation


Overview: Enhance educator access to high-quality professional development and resources by collaborating with national leaders in climate change education and fostering a supportive community of practice. Join our network to access resources, professional development, and networking opportunities that promote interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and anti-racist climate change education. Integrate personalized and localized climate change education into your district or curriculum with our guidance and support


Resource Name: North American Association for Environmental Education


Overview: NAAEE provides a network, resources, and learning opportunities around environmental education across North America. You can also find your local chapters of Environmental Education organizations through this website.


Resource Name: The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)


Overview: The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) has a variety of resources focused on STEM and environmental education. This website specifically offers support for partnerships in building standards-driven STEM experiences.


Resource: EPA Learning and Teaching about the Environment


Overview: This website is geared toward K-12 educators (and students) and includes lessons and resources about environmental education.

Educator Resources on Environmental Education: BOOKS

Book Title: Literacy Moves Outdoors 

Author: Valerie Bang-Jensen


Overview: Explores the integration of literacy learning into outdoor environments. Emphasizes the benefits of outdoor education for academic performance and overall well-being, providing practical strategies and resources for educators to implement outdoor literacy activities tailored to various settings and student needs.


Book Title: Teach for Climate Justice: A Vision for Transforming Education 

Author: Tom Roderick


Overview: Presents an interdisciplinary and intersectional approach to climate education, emphasizing climate justice and social and emotional learning, providing educators with practical strategies and tools to empower students to address the challenges of the climate crisis and advocate for climate justice from PreK to high school.


Book Title: The Intersectional Environmentalist: How to Dismantle Systems of Oppression to Protect People + Planet

Author: Leah Thomas

Overview: Explores the interconnectedness of environmentalism, racism, and privilege, urging for the amplification of marginalized voices to address environmental injustices. Through a call to action and examination of privilege, the book advocates for collective efforts toward both environmental and social justice, emphasizing that these struggles are inherently linked and essential for the betterment of both people and the planet

Student-Friendly Resources on Environmental Education

Resource Name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) For Kids


OverviewA collection of NOAA's most popular educational resources so you can learn all about the ocean and atmosphere from the comforts of home.


Resource Name: SkySci For Kids


Overview: A collection of short videos and interactive computer simulations and games for learners on climate, weather, and climate change. 


Resource Name: Gen Dread


Overview: A newsletter that shares wide-ranging ideas for supporting emotional health and psychological resilience in the climate and wider ecological crisis delivered free to your inbox


Book Name: Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Anxiety

Author: Britt Wray


Overview: Explores the rise of eco-anxiety in response to climate and environmental concerns, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and understanding these emotions as a vital step toward becoming active stewards of the planet.


Book Name: All the Feelings Under the Sun: How to Deal With Climate Change

Author: Leslie Davenport


Overview: A thoughtful book that will help young readers work through their feelings of anxiety about climate change. Through informative text and activities, the book gives children age-appropriate information about the climate crisis and gives them the tools they need to manage their anxiety and work toward making change.


Resource Name: Eco Anxious Stories


Overview: Provides a supportive space for individuals experiencing climate anxieties to share their stories, fostering a sense of connection and offering tools for reflection and empowerment.

Resources Focused on Hope and Solutions

Book Name: Climate Optimism: Celebrating Systemic Change Around the World

Author: Zahra Biabani


Overview:Offers practical advice and hope for addressing the climate crisis, emphasizing the importance of optimism and highlighting positive environmental trends and solutions worldwide. Through insightful guidance and inspiring stories, readers are encouraged to change their mindset and take action to protect the planet.


Resource NameSolution Journalism Network


Overview: Spearheads a worldwide transition in journalism, prioritizing in-depth reporting on efforts to address challenges and extracting valuable lessons from both achievements and setbacks.


Resource Name: Project Drawdown


Overview: Committed to combating climate change by promoting effective, science-based solutions and strategies while cultivating innovative climate leadership and amplifying diverse voices.


Resource Name: The All We Can Save Project
